Marcella Vanzo Studio

Marcella Vanzo Studio

Practical, poetical, political, #squola_pubblica is the participatory art project artist Marcella Vanzo  created to develop new educational models – live and online – using art as a research model. It is dedicated to primary school teachers in the Bergamo area, with a special focus on suburban areas and neighbourhoods.

The project consists of 5 online meetings and 1 public talk. During the on-line meetings, the potential of art is explored in order to experiment and devise new ways of teaching based on a non-hierarchical learning method.
Participatory art, art as a research method, and performative practice make up the experimentation index of #squola_pubblica, a project aimed towards future generations.

#squola_pubblica takes place in Bergamo  between March 11th and April 19th, with
Marcella Vanzo, Contemporary Locus Association and the University of Bergamo – Primary Education Sciences. In collaboration and with the support of the Province of Bergamo, and in collaboration and with the contribution of WIDE Group.

Thanks to Accademia di belle arti G Carrara – Politecnico delle arti di Bergamo and the Municipality of Bergamo,
The project is part of the program of Bergamo_Brescia Capital of Culture 2023. It is  included in the project Acciaio e Cotone – Spazi in Trasformazione call for proposals by Fondazione Cariplo.

The #squola_pubblica team
Marcella Vanzo; Ilaria Castelli, Giancarlo Grossi, Stefania Ambrosini, Emanuela Battaglia, Maria Stefania Albanese (University of Bergamo); Paola Tognon, Laura Santini (Contemporary Locus).