Little Red Riding Hood and Travis Bickle, a.k.a. Taxi Driver, meet in the wood.
He’s the slickest wolf, she’s a little girl who really does want to believe in love.
He’s a mythological beast, a drooling beast, speaking through the words of a movie.
He thinks he is De Niro. She mixes yoga and guns, rainbows and rancid love stories.
Very little of a fairy tale is left. He digs pills and dances. She sings, gets horny
and runs away: no, not the wolf!
Time is tight, dynamite ignited, there’s a 44 magnum in her basket,
the half naked grandmother leaves us speechless and the couple explodes.
Cinema runs fast forward and life can’t keep up.
Cappuccetto Osso [Little Red Riding Bone] is a text based performance by Marcella Vanzo for Gogmagog, featuring Cristina Abati and Carlo Salvador, voiceover: Tommaso Taddei, costumes by Lucrezia Pizzetti.
Cappuccetto Osso opened at Teatro Studio di Scandicci in April 2015 and was presented again at Officina Giovani in Prato.