Petits Portraits deals of course with portraiture, layering, perspective and scale.
This project, made of seven portraits, gave rise to two projects based on the same pictures and their presentation.
Official Portraiture one one side: big in size, intimidating, important framing vs. Sentimental Portraiture, where a small scale image and a vintage frame reduced to a graphic sign around it, to allow feelings to come out and draw the viewer closer.
Inland Archipelago, Lucie Fontaine, Milan, 2014
Eve [Official], 2013, 55 x 45 x 7 cm, c-print on aluminum, wooden box, glazed ceramic
Inland Archipelago, Lucie Fontaine, Milan, 2014
Petits Portraits, c-print on aluminum, each 10 x 15 cm + vintage frames
Les Jumelles [Sentimental], 2013
28 x 24 x 2 cm + 18 x 24 x 2 cm, vintage frames, c-print on aluminum, each 10 x 15 cm
Savarine [Sentimental], 2013
32 x 22 x 2 cm, vintage frame, c-print on aluminum, 10 x 15 cm
Lily, 2013
Mimi, 2013
Minnie, 2013
Adelaide, 2013